
The Guild has a Facebook Group which is used to bring all Guild members together, advertise events and spread news. It is a closed group so only members can see posts.

Many of the branches also have their own page/group - please contact your branch secretary to find out about subscribing.


Devon Ringing Google Email List

A Google group exists for Devon bell ringers to communicate. It covers both the Guild and Association and is used to advertise events and spread news quickly.

How to subscribe by email:

  1. Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  2. You will get an email back inviting you to confirm your membership. You must reply or click the "join this group" button
  3. Once this is done your join request will be sent to the Webmaster for approval
  4. Following approval you will receive an email to confirm your membership of the email list

How to subscribe using the Google website (requires a Google account): 

  1. Go to https://groups.google.com (login using your Google account if asked)
  2. In the search box at the top change the drop down to "All groups and messages"
  3. Enter "Devon Ringing" in the search box
  4. Click on Devon Ringing in the search results
  5. Click on the "Ask to join" button at the top of the page
  6. Fill in the boxes and click the "Ask to join" button
  7. The Webmaster will receive a joining request
  8. Following approval you will receive an email to confirm your membersip of the email list 

How to use:

Once subscribed you can send appropriate email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. where it will be sent on to all of the other subscribers. Please note that a reply to an email received via the list will, by default, go to the sender and not to the list. Only members can send an email to the list. Off-topic or rude/abusive messages will not be tolerated.


Branch Email Lists

All of the branches operate their own email lists for communication purposes. These mailing lists use the mailman mailing list administration service; there is more information at https://lists.devonringers.org.uk/mailman/listinfo .

Members are able to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change subscription preferences such as email addresses at any time.

Please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or your branch secretary if you would like information about how to manage your mailing list subscription.

This ability to manage your subscriptions allows the Guild to ensure that we have the consent required by the General Data Protection Regulations to communicate with you.