
These bells are believed to be the oldest ringable mini-ring in existence. They were created by the late Frank Mack in 1963 and hung in his garage in Exmouth for many years.

Following his death, Mary Mack gave the bells to the Guild of Devonshire Ringers for training and publicity purposes. They are now housed in Kingsteignton and are available for peal and quarter peal attempts and for the use of touring bands.

The bells were originally house bells (not horse bells as is sometimes reported!) and the ring was designed to be portable. However, before the Guild took over responsibility for them, the last outing of the bells was in 1973. They are particularly unusual, as the bells can be demounted from their headstocks and rung as handbells.

The first peal on them was rung in 1965 and four further peals were rung on them whilst hanging in the Garage.

Treble   14oz
2   14½oz
3   1lb 3oz
4   1lb 4oz
5   1lb 7oz
Tenor   1lb 9½oz in F#


If a Guild Member would like to borrow the bells for an event please complete the loan agreement form (pdf or word). The steward of the bells is Ian Avery.


FrankMackPortableRing FDM-MidDevonFairCrop

The bells in their original frame (left) and modified frame (right)